Monday, November 9, 2015

The (In)Security of EZDATA

In this post, I will shed light on the (in)security of an analytic and tracking script named "EZDATA". At the time of writing of this post, I do not know who owns EZDATA and a number of web applications are vulnerable. In case you guys have an idea, please let them know about this post. I came across EZDATA by looking at the source code of the Alexa top 500 sites (normally I used to browse and looked at the source code). 

The vulnerable JavaScript code snippet is given below:

ezQuery(document).ready(function() {
//get here

Lets see EZDATA in the wild.


The National Football League is a very popular site and at the time of writing of this post, its Alexa's global rank is 261. If you will input the harmless probe string (i.e., "xxxxxxxx'yyyyy</img ) in the search bar of the site then at that time the URL looks like:

This is how our probe string reflects back on the page as a part of EZDATA JavaScript code snippet.

One can easily figure out by looking at the reflection that developers're using single quote for holding the user-supplied input while single quote (part of probe string i.e., "xxxxxxxx'yyyyy</img) reflects back in its hard-coded form. One more thing to notice here is that < (part of probe string i.e., "xxxxxxxx'yyyyy</img) is filtered in the reflection. The < is filtered so the option like </script><script>confirm(1)</script>  (i.e., prematurely closing the script block and than execute code of our choice) is gone and the next attack payload I can think from the top of my head is ...


The URL at the time of XSSing looks like ...

I was expecting that it will work like a charm but unfortunately not. The reason can be seen in the following screen-shot.

The above screen-shot shows that the parenthesis (i.e., ()) have been filtered from the XSS payload which makes the attack vector useless. No worries. ECMAScript 6 (ECMA6) provides a feature called multi-line template string and with the help of it, one can execute JavaScript without parenthesis. The back-tick (``) is used instead of parenthesis for JavaScript code execution. The payload now becomes ...


Now the URL at the time of XSSing looks like ...

The screen-shot shows XSS in NFL because of EZDATA.


The National Broadcasting Company is another popular site using EZDATA and the above story holds true for NBC also. The URL looks like'-confirm`1`-'. The screen-shot shows the XSS in NBC because of EZDATA tracking script.

Other Sites

The next obvious thing one can think of is if EZDATA is in use on popular sites like NFL and NBC respectively then it may be in use on other sites. I do a quick search on NerdyData:[]=//get+here+EZDATA.trackGaEvent&limit=0,10&rank_min=1&rank_max=1000001

The search returns 61 sites (some may be duplicates) and at least gives an idea that EZDATA is in use on other sites also. Here are the XSSes in 11 different sites as a proof of concept because of buggy EZDATA (first URLs and then screen-shots in one animated GIF).

Note: If you know any site(s) that is using EZDATA, please feel free to add or name it in the comments. 

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